We stand up for our values

In the vineyard

Long before the current ecological craze, my employees and I had an environmentally friendly approach. Nature is our work tool, which is why we are always committed to working with respect for the land, our vines and our spirits.

To illustrate our practices, we treat our vines largely with certified organic products and we use doses below the recommended minimum. We collect our rainwater to reuse it on the farm or to clean our winemaking machines.

Taking care of the environment also means taking care of our employees by providing them with all the necessary safety and work equipment.

Have you heard of genodics?
It is science that studies the influence of music on living things. For several years now, we have been using this science in our vineyard to strengthen, protect and enrich our vines via music boxes.
By doing this, we want to act on our grapes in an innovative, respectful way in order to guarantee you a quality and harmonious product.



HVE and CEC Certification

The HVE (High Environmental Value) and CEC (Cognac Environmental Certification) certification are two certifications supervised by the French public authorities based on strict specifications. To obtain it, it is necessary to have reasoned agricultural (principles of agro-ecology) and human practices while taking into account the surrounding biodiversity.

These certifications allow us to guarantee you all our attention to our working methods and their impact on nature.

HVE Certification
CEC logo

Made in France

This eco-responsible commitment is also found in the bottling of our Cognacs. I selected each item (corks, boxes…) with two criteria:
– French near my home to reduce journeys and therefore CO2 emissions as much as possible.
– Recycled and/or natural materials to offer you bottles from a virtuous approach.

The corks are made of wood and not plastic.

The bottles are made of glass and therefore infinitely recyclable. They come from the company Saver Glass (ISO 14 000 certified), which is itself very committed to sustainable development. The bottles are made in France and made with cullet.

The labels are made of paper and do not contain plastic. I chose a NACARA partner who works nearby, in my department.

The boxes are made of recyclable kraft, they are decorated in white in order to limit the use of inks and energy.

The cases are made of kraft and are therefore recyclable. They are also decorated in white to limit the use of inks and energy.

The adhesive for closing the cases is a kraft adhesive and does not contain plastic. It is made from recycled resources and remains recyclable.

The law requires us to guarantee the inviolability of our bottles with plastic sleeves. With this in mind, I selected the simplest, thinnest and smallest model possible.

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